International Drivers Permit

INTERNATIONAL DRIVERS PERMIT: If you currently have a Thai drivers license and would like to receive an International Drivers Permit, we can help. No visit to the Department of transport necessary. Simply sign the prepared documents, and we will take care of the rest.

Choose 1949 or 1968: (There are two options for International Drivers Permits and each work in a different set of countries and have a different length of validity) Here is a list of approved countries

  1. 1949 IDP: Valid for al length of one year.

  2. 1968 IDP: Valid for a length of three years.

What is required:

  1. A 5-year Thai Drivers License ( 1-year license are not eligible)

  2. Certificate of residency or Work Permit : (See details for eligibility)

    • Certificate of residency: Issued from either your home country Embassy (Valid for 1 year) or Thai immigration office (Valid for 30 days) Please note, The Certificate of residency is specific document. The Embassy and Thai Immigration (excluding Nakon Sawan) will be familiar with it. All other forms of address proof such as TM30, rental contracts, title ownership books, etc are not accepted.

    • A digital work permit with your address listed upon opening the QR code or physical blue book with your address listed in the back of the book (Generally between pages 24-26) can be accepted. Note, the majority of work permits do not have address listed so a Certificate of residency would be required instead.

  3. Medical certificate, not over 30 days old (Any hospital or clinic will be familiar with this, otherwise you can see a few examples of local providers here)

  4. Two recent photos (4cm x 5cm)

Cost: 1500 Baht

Ready to get yours? Call: 0850550247 E-mail:

Frequently Asked Questions