Drivers License Renewal

DRIVER’S LICENSE RENEWAL: If you currently have a Thai drivers license that is due for renewal we can help.

The steps:

  1. Our trained staff will review your documents and prepare them to be submitted

  2. On the day of processing our staff will navigate the queues, handle the paperwork and provide professional translation service to get your license renewed. Total renewal time: 1-4 hours depending on the day and current queue.

    • If expired more than one year, plan for a full day as to complete the required training videos

    • If expired more than three years, plan for tho days total processing time for training videos and driving tests.


  1. Regular renewal: Car or motorbike: 1,900 Baht, Car and motorbike: 2,500 Baht

  2. Expired more than one year: Car or motorbike: 2,200 Baht, Car and motorbike: 2,900 Baht

  3. Expired more than three years: Car or motorbike: 2,900 Baht, Car and motorbike: 3,400 Baht

What is required

  1. Passport (With minimal 60 days remaining on current Visa)

  2. Certificate of residency or Non-digital Work Permit : (See details for eligibility)

    • Certificate of residency: Issued from either your home country Embassy (Valid for 1 year) or Thai immigration office (Valid for 30 days) Please note, The Certificate of residency is specific document. The Embassy and Thai Immigration (excluding Nakon Sawan) will be familiar with it. All other forms of address proof such as TM30, rental contracts, title ownership books, etc are not accepted. We strongly advise contacting your embassy or Thai Immigration Office directly for information on eligibility to receive a certificate of residency as it can very based on factors such as visa type, length of stay, housing situation, etc.

    • A work permit which is a physical blue book with your address listed between pages 24-26 can be accepted. Note, the majority of work permits are either digital or do not have a home address listed and thus can not be used. In that case, a Certificate of residency would be required instead.

  3. Medical certificate, not over 30 days old (We can help you get one on the registration day at a nearby clinic within a few minutes, otherwise any hospital or clinic will be familiar with this if you prefer to get before. You can see a few examples of local providers here)

Ready to get yours? Call: 0850550247 E-mail:

Frequently Asked Questions